19th century parish books / public register from Volhynia

I’m setting this webpage up to help those who search for information about their family members inhabiting the Volhynia area in the 19th century.

The database is based on microfilms of the public register of Roman Catholic parishes of the Diocese of Luck and of the Diocese of Lviv, stored in Polish and Ukrainian archives. I’ve been doing my own genealogic research and the database is a side effect of it. I cannot guarantee there are no mistakes - some entries are very difficult to read, additionally since 1848 the entries were in Russian and sometimes Ukrainian. Last names are sometimes written down in multiple variants, for example there’s more than a dozen of versions of „Stud-something” last name, ranging from „Studnicki” to „Studzieniecki”. I tried to write these down as accurately as possible.

The database contains more than 24.000 entries and is being constantly updated as I progress with my researches and also thanks to the help of kind people who do their own research in the archives and send me the results. The search is done using a name, for example „Studnicki” or „Stud” or „Stu”, or using a town’s name, or both. Please note that entering both first and last name (for example: „Jan Studnicki”) will not work, you need to use either first or last name.

The first table contains all results in the Death entries , the second Births and the third one Marriages. All entries with the keyword present in the „first name”, „last name” and various „relatives” columns are being shown.

Let me say big „Thank You” to all those who helped with creating and maintaining this webpage.

Danuta Wojtowicz wodanka@o2.pl

In order to search the database press HERE